Spouses of soldiers: beware the military’s ploys

On March 11, 2024, the Regional Commander of the Northern Command made an announcement stating a donation of 200 lakhs allocated to spouses of soldiers for defending the base camps in Momauk and Bhamo. This news has been widely spread by military lobbyists. 

Yet, let us scrutinize the reality. A soldier's spouse is not a salaried employee; they are effectively bought as slaves, paying with their lives. Many dependent mothers are burdened with the care of children, left to navigate the uncertainties of their husband's return and manage family affairs alone. 

Such gestures may cloak the army's true condition, concealing its inadequacies. But can the lives of spouses of soldiers truly be valued at 200 lakhs? And where did the Commander procure such a substantial sum? Is it permissible to spend tens of thousands of kyats so arbitrarily?

I hesitate to speculate that these funds were sourced from regional military coffers. It remains unclear how 200 lakhs was amassed for a cause seemingly destined for the brink of death.

To the dependent wives, I implore you: do not become complacent. Nothing outweighs the sanctity of life. It is imperative that amidst the chaos of war, all individuals safeguard their family lives, resisting undue influence from military authorities.



PRESS RELEASE on 2nd Forum on Defection and Defiance Movement